Wednesday, 24 July 2013

Half-way-in-the-year resolutions?

New Years resolutions. I suck at keeping them and I usually give up in the first week but on my last trip to New Zealand, something changed and I decided to give my resolutions another go.

Without going into too much detail, the change I'm talking about is more of a change in my mentality. In my last post, I described that the days leading up to NZ I was feeling unprepared, anxious, nervous and scared. There were many factors that contributed to those feelings: sickness, unemployment, exhaustion both mentally and physically etc. All these factors were happening within the same week so I was feeling overwhelmed. Honestly, there was a point where I didn't want to go overseas purely because "I wasn't in the mood". 

I ended up going and I have no regrets.

The highlight of the trip for me was the day we went bungee jumping. I was absolutely terrified. Petrified. Shitting myself AND I had to jump first. Walking up towards a tiny platform with a dictating voice, "Toes over the ledge. Your toes need to be over the ledge". 

Your face needs to be over the ledge!

Standing on the platform, looking out to the mountains and the canyon that I was about to dive into. I took a deep breathe...

I made a deal with myself that day. I told myself, "As soon as I jump from this platform, I'm letting go of everything. All the negativity, weakness, troubles of the past and worries of the future. I will not hold onto them anymore. Be present". 

Then I jumped and it was the most freeing thing I have ever done.

And then I bungee jumped again because I WAS HIGH ON ADRENALINE!

Now I'm back in Sydney, writing this post. The four things I want to focus on for the rest of the year:

1. Learn how to use my Canon G1X/start and keep a blog

2. Keep an active lifestyle - exercise for at least an hour everyday

3. "Do small things with big love" - take time out to appreciate/celebrate the small things

4. Be present

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